The Stone Yard development rejuvenates the existing bullring trading estate through the erection of seven individually designed mixed-use buildings. Providing 995 luxury one and two-bedroom apartments, mixed-use retail, and high-quality resident amenity spaces. The proposal seeks to increase the amount of green usable spaces, through the incorporation of private residents’ courtyard spaces, and the landscaped boulevard which adds to the growing landscape of Digbeth’s future.
Not only does the Stone Yard create luxury mixed-use developments, but it also connects the wider context of Digbeth, from the custard factory to Cheapside and beyond, which provides a connection to future developments and helps lead the way in creating the future of Digbeth. It achieves physical connectivity through the creation of a landscaped public boulevard, which not only provides a connection from one side to the other but also creates an active public environment, through considered design and placement of commercial and amenity uses along the street level. It also draws inspiration from the past through its pavement design echoing the historic public house use.
The seven individually designed buildings respond to their local surroundings through careful form & massing consideration, which is not only a direct response to its context but also echoes the future masterplan for Digbeth and the river rea. The proposal situates the focal and more prominent taller buildings along the High Street with lower-level buildings along Green Street behind. It also seeks to respond to its vernacular and the wider Birmingham context through careful material selection, utilising bricks and terracotta tones across the whole scheme and a mixture of brick bonds which helps the scheme sit within the local vernacular and industrial heritage. This is all to create a vibrant sense of place, all culminating in an exciting place to live, work and play.
The Stoneyard