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The Bank

Working in association with Regal Property Group, Glancy Nicholls Architects were appointed to deliver this dual residential tower scheme on Broad Street, a key arterial route into the city core. The project was successfully completed in 2019.

The scheme provides a range of city centre apartments from 1 to 3 bedroom homes. The development also provides 7,000 sq.ft of accompanying ground floor retail space.

The Bank development features 21 and 33 storey apartment towers alongside the restoration of the Grade II listed former Midland Bank known locally as Left Bank. The design responds to the city’s requirement for new housing, creates a gateway development in a main high rise cluster area and embodies a narrative around brass and silver working which used to be undertaken in close vicinity to the site.

The design features a mix of residential amenity spaces including a communal kitchen/dining facility for resident social events, new public realm and a secure residents urban garden. Designed to the principals of good sustainable design, the scheme has proven a success for our client Regal Property Group with excellent occupancy levels since handover.


  • Celebrating Construction Awards 2019 - Sustainability Award
  • Celebrating Construction Awards 2019 - Project of the Year (Building Projects)
  • International Property Awards 2019 - Best Residential High Rise Development UK

GNA have delivered 2 exceptional buildings for us, the technical information they provide is always of the highest quality....

Most importantly for us, they are a great team to work with, having gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Mark Holbeche Regal Property Group