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Lacemaker Court

Independent living for the elderly

Lacemaker Court provides 61 extra care apartments and a wing containing 16 long-term specialist residential en-suite bedrooms for older adults living with complex age-related illnesses. The development also incorporates various communal facilities, associated lounge/dining spaces, and a day services facility.

Each 2-bed apartment is a minimum of 63sqm, and each 1-bed apartment is a minimum of 54sqm, providing generous accommodation and being suitable for wheelchair adaptation if required.

The layout is designed in a courtyard arrangement, offering the best views for those apartments overlooking the Erewash Canal and the green space beyond. A series of semi-private spaces were created for the enjoyment of all residents and visitors. The mature trees around the boundary of the site have been retained, providing natural screening as well as giving the new buildings an established setting.

The Specialist Care element is located towards the front of the building with an approach through a single and shared point of entry. This allows the two functions of the development to remain distinct, whilst at the same time offering the opportunity to use the shared communal facilities located within the Extra Care development or the Specialist Community Care element.

Lacemaker Court contributes to the local social value of the area by continuing the provision of high-quality care and independent living for the older adult population with extended services for the wider community. Derbyshire County Council works with other partners, including health and voluntary services, to meet the personal health and wellbeing needs of residents.

Lacemaker Court achieved Gold accreditation from the University of Stirling.


  • Dementia Services Development Centre
    Gold Award
Lacemaker Court

A modern development, carefully designed to provide fully accessible facilities for all residents, Lacemaker Court is a great asset to the area and we are very proud of the building that GNA have designed.

Sue Jowett Unit Manager