The new Brooklands Health Centre is the largest GP facility in Milton Keynes and serves a community of up to 22,500 people. The development covers 1.46 acres and offers a modern, state-of-the-art, mixed-use centre, over three floors. Providing primary healthcare services for patients and premises for GP practices the building comprises 23 consultation rooms, four treatment rooms, and minor procedures and recovery room.
Additionally, the health centre includes provision of a pharmacy, dental surgery, chiropractic clinic, café and retail spaces on the ground floor. The centre also has central waiting and reception areas, staff ancillary accommodation and support spaces, staff and visitor car parking and drop-off points, cycle storage and ambulance facilities.
Situated in the new local centre of the town’s eastern expansion area, the facility serves residents of the new districts of Broughton Gate, Brooklands, Glebe Meadows, Eagle Farm, and other developments in the Council's Strategic Land Area Masterplan.
Surpassing the Milton Keynes D4 policy on energy and sustainability. Photovoltaics provide clean, free energy to power the building, whilst high-efficiency heating and ventilation systems, coupled with an airtight building envelope and occupancy-controlled LED lighting, ensures low carbon emissions for this energy-efficient brownfield development.
Brooklands Health Centre

Providing modern primary care
Brooklands Health Centre content
Quote from Mark Lancaster MP
A vitally important health centre, the additional services will make a welcome impact and the benefits to the local community will be immense.